The Children of The Wall"
Who are the children of the wall,
they are many count us all.
stand together both boy and girl,
brothers, sisters. Each one of us started out small, then
grew up big and tall.
Standing side by side we are, some now with little
ones, like were we.
Dads went off to war you see, to a place in time we remember as Vietnam
very long ago, across the ocean and the sea.
Some went down in the North, and some went down in the South, still
others were in the East and some into the West. Some in Laos too it
seems, while others who knows
only time will see.
dads' name is on panel three east for all to see, his children ,
grandchildren and family, and to any one who visits our capitol we call
Too high for little ones to see, is Thomas Moore , MIA along with others
who share and bare , the crosses and stars we see.
Kimmies' dad is here also , another Air Force girl like me you
Air Force wings made of Silver, he flies on choppers for search and rescue,
saving lives
was Kimmies' dad , till one day his chopper down, happened when she was
just a lass, I think some called her dad top class. Better known to some
Jim, James Thomas is next to dad.
Not too far away you see , still standing tall and protecting this land
and me.
Chris' dad stands there to, just a few hundred feet or two, Stands so
tall up on this wall,
another name to tell to all.
Richard Rich to some who see, Navy pilot, wings made of Gold, Listen careful listen loud and listen bold. Sams' dad is there also, very close to my own dad. Sam Adams as some well know along with Charles Dusing share the same story told.
Told by Jasper Page
you'll hear
the day , in my heart so dear. Three Airmen once were Four, but
for the love of them all, Sgt. Page came home to tell all, of the
history of one day
when dad and three went into history.
Diane Moore
Daughter of CMSGT Thomas Moore USAF
POW/MIA 31 October 1965
Email Diane and show her how much you care