Camp Ogle
Xuan Loc - Long Kahn Province
After the handing over of FSB Lynch to the ARVN, (well, a soldier, his family and a couple of animals in reality), we all happily tripped off to a much safer environment around November 1970. The sleeping quarters actually had concrete floors and solid walls, the only time I encountered this in my tour.
Mind you, having ARVN bases not far from us on two sides didn't really make for a more secure night's sleep.
Elements of the 199th Light Infantry had vacated the camp before us, and I think they must have had a rip-roaring party before they left, because parts of it, especially the E.M. Club, were a shambles when we moved in. Still, with a little bit of ingenuity, and some judicious relocating of equipment from places unmentioned, it didn't take long to get the club shipshape and looking good. I think the adage in use at the time was that if it wasn't bolted down, and nobody was looking, it was meant to be moved, right??
(Click the pictures for slightly larger views)
Thanksgiving 1970