Welcome to J.C's Place
What I look like after missing my daily medication? According to my family, most definitely.
What will you find on this site? Okay. There's links to sites about Vietnam, the war, the era and the aftermath, Poetry and Short Stories, a bit of humour as well as some sites I've found particularly interesting. There's also a photographic journey of my time in Vietnam.
All the areas are being added to on a (I hope) regular basis, so if you have some time to spare come on back and visit.
Will you find it an interesting site? Well, the only way I can find out is if you sign my Guestbook and let me know what you like, what you don't, and possibly anything you'd like to see added. Let's face it, I have only scratched the surface of what's out there, so if you have found something of interest pass it on to me.
It's meant to inform and hopefully that's just what it does, for those interested in the subject matter.
Please feel free to drop me a line
Take your pick and start exploring.
Site updated 13 September 2002
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